Dealing with crime is an unfortunate reality of doing business. All sorts of industries are susceptible, and for organizations that are repeatedly targeted, crime can erode their bottom line. Northfield Crime coverage can offer vital protection.
What It Covers:
- Employee theft
- Forgery or alteration
- Inside the premises:
- Theft of money and securities
- Robbery of a custodian, or safe burglary of money or securities
- Robbery or safe burglary of other property
- Robbery of a watchperson or burglary of other property
- Outside the premises
How It Works:
- Available on a single line or package basis in all states, predominantly on a non-admitted basis
Who It’s For:
Northfield Crime coverage is available to those most susceptible to needing the coverage, such as retail stores and services, manufacturing facilities, contractors, offices and many more.
Reliable Claims Services
Northfield claim professionals partner with a broad network of industry experts to drive the best possible outcomes.